A brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of September 2022

IconPublished 07.10.2022

Over the past decade, heavy precipitation was still observed in most of the main grain-growing zone of Kazakhstan, which restrained the pace of harvesting.
The observed frosts at night in the northern regions, in the west, in the center and in the east of the country up to minus 2-7 ° C (in places up to minus 10 ° C) were not dangerous for the ripened grain of spring crops, but made it difficult to carry out harvesting in the morning.
The "full ripeness" phase is observed everywhere in the observed areas, the condition of grain crops is excellent and good.
In the areas of winter wheat cultivation in the south and south-east of the republic, meteorological conditions were favorable for the preparation of fields and sowing of winter wheat.
The condition of heat-loving crops (corn for grain, soybeans, cotton) is excellent and good, harvesting continues.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of September 2022 can be found by following the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/agrometeorology/kratkiy-obzor-agrometeorologicheskih-usloviy

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