8th meeting on the sand and dust storm warning system

IconPublished 18.10.2022

From October 17 to 18, 2022, the 8th meeting of the steering group of the Asian region on the SDS-WAS (RSG) Sand and Dust Storm Warning and Assessment System will be held on Jeju Island in South Korea.
Manzura Nasyrova, Head of the Department of Numerical Methods and Automation of Data Processing of Kazhydromet RSE, will speak at the meeting from Kazakhstan with a report: Monitoring progress and first steps in modeling pollutants in the atmosphere over Kazakhstan.
The meeting aims to coordinate exchanges and cooperation between SDS-WAS member countries in Asia, as well as to expand the monitoring and forecasting capabilities of sand and dust storms. Countries exchange their achievements on topics such as assimilation, the use of satellite remote sensing data in sand and dust storm models, atmospheric air quality and the use of an integrated system for forecasting atmospheric sand and dust storms, the progress of the application of a multimodel integrated forecast and their assessment.
The purpose of the meeting is to improve numerical forecasting and promote international technical exchange, sharing of data and approaches, as well as improving the accuracy of forecasting sand and dust storms in Asia.

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