RSE "Kazhydromet" takes part in the Conference of the Regional Association of the VI World Meteorological Organization

IconPublished 03.11.2022

A conference of the WMO Regional Association VI (RESO) is being held at the WMO Headquarters in Geneva from 2 to 4 November. The main topic of the conference is the future role of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs): Leadership and management. The purpose of the conference is to bring together the heads of national meteorological and hydrological services and representatives of the private and scientific sectors and international organizations to discuss the future of NMHSs in Europe, including topics related to infrastructure, research, services, governance, strategies and legislation, as well as public and private sector participation.
Taking into account the active role of the NGMS of Kazakhstan in the Central Asian region and within the framework of the activities of the hydrometeorological services of the CIS countries as a whole, the organizing committee of RESO invited the Director General of the RSE "Kazhydromet" Danar Alimbayeva as the main speaker of the panel session.
In the report of the Head of the Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan "Vision of cooperation for RA VI in the field of Infrastructure, services and research based on the "Earth Systems" approach: The future of NGMS" expressed interest in the integration of monitoring and warning systems West-East.
The conference participants and the WMO Secretariat highly appreciated the recommendations proposed by the NGMS of Kazakhstan, including those noted as a contribution to strengthening cooperation within the framework of the regional Association VI and strengthening mutual understanding between the hydrometeorological services of the West and the East.

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