A meeting of the Coordinating Council for the Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia was held

IconPublished 25.11.2022

On November 24, 2022, the Annual Meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Project for the Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia (PMGMO CA) was held in Almaty. The meeting was attended by representatives of the World Bank, the World Meteorological Organization, the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the Regional Hydrology Center and heads of project management groups. The project, under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization and funded by the World Bank, began work back in 2008 to support the restoration of national hydrometeorological services (NGMS) and to improve the quality of hydrometeorological and climate services in Central Asia.
The meeting is attended by the NGMS of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. All Central Asian countries are affected by extreme weather events and the provision of better meteorological, water and climate services is an extremely important action for the sustainable social and economic development of these countries.
The participants of the meeting heard reports on the progress of the Project for 2022, discussed current issues on the Central Asian SPGMO and agreed on the Work Program and Action Plan for 2023.  
The participants summarized that over the past year, a lot of work has been done to train employees, introduce new programs, as well as proposals for further modernization of the NGMS.

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