A brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of November 2022

IconPublished 25.11.2022

In the second decade of November, in the areas of winter wheat cultivation (in the south and south-east of the republic), a decrease in air temperature at night to minus 6 ... 13 ° C caused the termination of winter wheat vegetation in the areas near the stations of Kyrgyzsay and Uzunagash of the Almaty region. Heavy precipitation was favorable for the accumulation of soil moisture.
At the observed sites in Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the phase of development "grain germination" - "3rd leaf" was observed on winter wheat crops. The condition of crops everywhere is excellent and good.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of November 2022 can be found by following the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/agrometeorology/kratkiy-obzor-agrometeorologicheskih-usloviy

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