Kazhydromet signed a memorandum with the Austrian Weather Service

IconPublished 12.12.2022

Kazhydromet RSE of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central Agency for Meteorology and Geodynamics of the Republic of Austria (ZAMG) signed a Memorandum of Intent on cooperation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.
The Memorandum between the two hydrometeorological services is based on the importance of developing and improving the system of hydrometeorological, climatic observations, processing and exchange of information, training, as well as following the principles and norms of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
During the next year, the Hydrometeorological Services of Kazakhstan and Austria will hold meetings, consultations, joint work, as well as organize bilateral and multilateral meetings (training seminars, round tables, conferences).
In her speech, Director General of RSE "Kazhydromet" Danara Alimbayeva noted that the signed Memorandum contributes to the expansion of closer and long-term cooperation in areas of mutual interest. In response, the representative of the Austrian side Gerhard Votava expressed hope for fruitful and productive cooperation.

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