Kazhydromet – results of the jubilee year

IconPublished 27.12.2022

This year has become bright and memorable for RSE "Kazhydromet" - in 2022 the Weather Service of Kazakhstan turned 100 years old!
The year will be remembered for important events dedicated to the memorable date – more than 700 employees of the National Hydrometeorological Service were awarded jubilee medals and diplomas. In commemoration of the anniversary, books were released – "100 faces of Kazhydromet" dedicated to service employees who gave their favorite work 30 years or more, as well as a thematic book "Kazhydromet in the XXI century. Yesterday, today, tomorrow." A documentary film "Watching the Weather" has been prepared, as well as special issues on the YouTube channel with veterans of the service and current specialists.
This year, the World Bank, together with the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) of Austria, conducted an expert assessment of Kazhydromet RSE. The recommendations concerned the strengthening of scientific infrastructure and climate services.

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