Kazhydromet specialists shared their experience in flood forecasting

IconPublished 16.02.2023

On February 14-15, 2023, a series of training seminars for representatives of the National Hydrometeorological Services of the three Central Asian countries is being held within the walls of the Kazhydromet RSE. The two-day seminar is attended by representatives of Kyrgyzhydromet, Tajikhydromet and Uzhydromet.
The World Meteorological Organization, within the framework of the project "Flood Early Warning Systems in Central Asia (CAFEWS)", has established a coordination center for Central Asian countries on the basis of the Kazhydromet RSE. The current seminar is organized for hydrologists, where Kazhydromet specialists share their successful experience in predicting rapidly developing floods along the transboundary Syrdarya River. Since Kazakhstan is located on the lower reaches of the river, the forecasting of floods and the Syr Darya level is based on data obtained from neighboring states located upstream. The Kazakhstan hydrological model combines data and, based on its monitoring, shows a high percentage of justifiability of the flood forecast in the lower reaches of the river.

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