Kazhydromet specialists told about their achievements in agro forecasting and specialized services for the agricultural sector

IconPublished 22.02.2023

On February 22-23, 2023, a series of training seminars for representatives of National hydrometeorological services of three Central Asian countries is being held within the walls of Kazhydromet RSE. The two-day seminar is attended by representatives of Kyrgyz Hydromet, Tajik Hydromet and Uzhydromet.
The current seminar was organized for agrometeorologists, where Kazhydromet specialists spoke in detail about the work of their own web application for farmers "AgroData" and a specialized application for operational processing and transmission of agrometeorological information. Also, in order to expand the list of products offered to farmers and authorized state bodies, new models of agrometeorological forecasting are being introduced in Kazhydromet RSE and the methods of forecasting used, including for diversification crops, and drought forecasting, are being improved.

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