Unstable March 2023 on the territory of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 05.04.2023

The spring of 2023 in Kazakhstan was early. For most of the month, warm air masses were carried out on the territory of Kazakhstan from the regions of Iran and the Mediterranean Sea, which in turn caused a temperature background above the norm by 1-6 °, and on some days by 7-11 °. With such high anomalies in the western regions of the country, the records of the maximum air temperature of the past years were reached and blocked. So, for example, in the Mangystau region at the Aktau weather station on March 16, the highest air temperature was +25.1 ° C, which became a record for this day, the last time on the same day the maximum air temperature was +20.5 ° C in 2013, on March 30 at the weather station the air itself warmed up to +29.2 ° C, thereby the 2004 record of +26.1°C was the most overlapped. In the West Kazakhstan region, on March 26, records of maximum air temperatures were recorded at the Taipak weather station +23.5 ° C, surpassing the record of 1990 (+19.4 °C), at the Uralsk weather station the maximum air temperature was +22.1 ° C, updating the record of 2008 (+21.6 ° C). Records were also updated in Atyrau region: on March 26 at the Zhanaushtogan weather station, the air temperature was +24.2 °C, which exceeded the previous record of 1991 (+18.6 °C), on March 30 at the Kulsary weather station, the air temperature was +27.6 °C, thereby breaking the record of 2020 (+22.8 °C). In Aktobe region, on March 28 at the Karabutak weather station, the maximum air temperature was +22.7 ° C, which became a record for this day, before that, the record air temperature was +15.0 °C in 2002, the record of 1994 was blocked at the Ayakkum weather station on March 30, then the air temperature was +21.3 ° C, in this year +25.6°C.  
But it was not without cold spring days. When a cold anticyclone invaded the northeastern half of Kazakhstan in the middle of the month and at the beginning of the third decade, a sharp drop in air temperature was observed: in the north, east of the country at night to -18-24 ° C, in the center to -13-18 ° C, in the southeast to -3-10 ° C.
During the month, active cyclonic activity was often observed over the territory of Kazakhstan, which led to precipitation of varying intensity and nature (rain, snow), the most precipitation fell in the East Kazakhstan region of 15-41 mm (with a norm of 12-35 mm per month), less precipitation fell in the western half of the country of 1-16 mm, in the third decade there was even a shortage of precipitation for a month. In addition, fogs, icy phenomena, increased winds were observed in most of the country, and a grass-roots blizzard was mainly in the north and northwest of the country. On some days, wind gusts reached the criteria of the OHS (spontaneous hydrometeorological phenomena): in the first decade, in the southern, southeastern, eastern and northern regions, wind gusts reached 37 m/s, in the Zhetisu area at the Dostyk automatic meteorological station on March 08-09, on March 31, a hurricane wind of up to 41-42 m/s was observed at all.
In Astana, the lowest air temperature was on March 21 -14.1 °C, the highest air temperature +17.1 °C was recorded on March 29, the record of 2008 was blocked, then on the same day the air temperature was +16.6 °C.
Precipitation fell within the normal range - 20 mm, with a norm of 20 mm per month.

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