Kazhydromet spoke at the Caspian Energy Forum

IconPublished 20.04.2023

On April 20, 2023, the 15th Caspian Energy Forum was held with the Strategic Session "Energy Dialogue in the Context of ensuring international Energy Security". At the invitation of the organizers from the Kazakh side, D.K. Alimbayeva, Director General of RSE "Kazhydromet", Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the WMO, made a report.  
In her speech, Danara Alimbayeva noted that this forum will become a significant international event and once again emphasize that without attracting information from hydrometeorological services, many of the urgent tasks facing the world community cannot be solved. The representative circle of the forum participants once again confirms the importance of research on the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies to preserve the unique ecosystem of the world's largest closed reservoir – the Caspian Sea. She also expressed confidence that the results of the forum will be useful not only to the governments of the Caspian countries, but also to the world community for making informed decisions to ensure international, interregional and national energy security in the Caspian region.

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