Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of April 2023

IconPublished 27.04.2023

In Zhetysu and Almaty regions, sowing of spring wheat continues, precipitation has somewhat reduced the pace of spring field work. In early spring wheat crops, the "shoots" phase of development is noted, the condition of the plants and the quality of work is good.
In the Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, in the observed areas, spring barley is in the phase of development of "grain germination" – "exit into the tube", the condition of the plants is excellent and good.
In West Kazakhstan, Abai and East Kazakhstan regions, soil preparation for spring crops has begun.
In the southern half of Kazakhstan, the vegetation of winter wheat continues against the background of positive air temperatures and abundant precipitation. In Almaty, Zhambyl, Zhetysu and Turkestan regions, winter wheat is in the "tillering" phase - "the appearance of the lower stem node", the condition of the plants is excellent and good.
In the south of the country, the sowing of heat-loving crops (corn for grain, rice, sugar beet, cotton) has begun, the condition of the plant and the quality of work is good.
In orchards in the south of the country, fruit crops (apple, pear) have a phase of development "unfolding of the first leaves" - "flowering", the condition of crops is everywhere good. Lowering the air temperature at night in the mountainous and foothill areas of the south and south-east of the country to minus 3 ... 8 ° C, depending on the intensity of frost, can lead to damage to fruit crops.
On the crops of perennial grasses (alfalfa, clover) in the southern regions, the phase "appearance of the lower node of the straw" is observed, in the esparcet – "stem growth". The condition of the herbs is excellent and good.
On pastures, grazing of animals was carried out everywhere. The breeding company, veterinary activities and cattle driving to summer pastures in the south of the country are continuing.
Pastures were poorly and moderately grazed. The general condition of the grass on the pastures is good and satisfactory.
The condition of the sod is mostly dry, raw sod was observed in the Nurinsky and Shetsky districts of the Karaganda region.
Reserves of productive moisture in the soil for the 2nd decade of April in West Kazakhstan and Almaty regions there were insufficient humidification conditions, in Aktobe and Abai regions satisfactory moisture reserves, in Zhambyl, Zhetysu and Turkestan regions optimal.

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