Kazhydromet's verification laboratory opened after the move

IconPublished 16.05.2023

On May 16, 2023, RSE "Kazhydromet" organized a presentation of the Verification Laboratory in the new premises. The solemn event was held by Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bekmagambetov D.B. The laboratory was relocated to the building of the RSE "Kazhydromet" to improve the quality of work and the working conditions of specialists. Previously, it occupied a small room in the building of the weather station. In addition to changing the address, the geography of the work has also expanded. Until 2014, it provided services in the capital, today, the structure serves 14 regional branches of Kazhydromet with field visits.
The main activity of the laboratory is the verification of measuring instruments in order to confirm their compliance with the established technical and metrological requirements, as well as to establish their suitability for use. All equipment is annually calibrated in the RSE "KazStandart" and JSC "NaTSex", as well as in VNIIM.St. Petersburg, where their exact metrological characteristics, suitability for use are confirmed and calibration certificates are issued.
The laboratory is accredited for the verification of measuring instruments and has an accreditation certificate for compliance with the Interstate standard GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019.
All laboratory specialists annually take external refresher courses and monthly undergo internal technical studies to increase the level of knowledge.

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