A climate change experience exchange program is being held in America

IconPublished 24.05.2023

From May 5 to May 27, 2023, an international experience exchange program on "Adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its consequences" was organized in the United States, organized within the framework of the "International Visitors-Leaders" program.
The purpose of the program is to demonstrate the implementation of climate policy at the federal, local and state levels; development of national and local climate–oriented budgets; approval of adaptation and mitigation plans.
Kazakhstan was represented by the director of the regional branch for the West Kazakhstan region of RSE "Kazhydromet" Tilegen Shapanov.
The exclusive program includes visits to several cities (Washington, Florida, Pensacola, Texas, Dallas, Nevada, Reno, Madison, Wisconsin,) with the support of the US State Department, discussing climate change and adaptation to them.

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