Kazhydromet was shown a project for managing cross-border climate risks

IconPublished 02.06.2023

On June 2, 2023, a meeting of Kazhydromet and the team of the project "Climate Risk Management in Central Asia" (GIZ) was held. Participants of the meeting: Sergey Makarov – project Manager and Sabyr Asylbekov – national coordinator, shared their vision of cooperation with the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan.
Today, GIZ Kazakhstan is a successful project that is part of the regional climate and security initiative "Green Central Asia" of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. The aim of the project is to improve the management of cross–border climate and disaster risks in Central Asia.
The project advises catchment basin councils, Emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction Centers and other stakeholders in order to develop the capacity to reduce transboundary water-related climate risks.

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