Celeste Saulo from Argentina has been appointed the first female Secretary —General of the World Meteorological Organization

IconPublished 02.06.2023

Professor Celeste Saulo from Argentina has been appointed the first female Secretary—General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). She will lead an organization at the forefront of international efforts to monitor and combat climate change and increasingly extreme weather conditions.
Professor Saulo has been the Director of the National Meteorological Service of Argentina since 2014, and is currently the First Vice-President of WMO. She will take office on January 1, 2024 and will replace Professor Petteri Taalas, who has completed his two-term mandate.
Professor Saulo was appointed after obtaining the necessary two—thirds majority of delegates at the four-year World Meteorological Congress, the highest decision-making body of the WMO, which includes 193 Members.
The next President of WMO will be Dr. Abdullah Al-Mandus, Director General of the National Center for Meteorology of the United Arab Emirates, Permanent Representative of the UAE to WMO and President of the WMO Regional Association for Asia. During the presidential election, he received a majority of votes.
Dr. Al-Mandous has been the Permanent Representative of the UAE to the WMO since 2008 and President of the Regional Association for Asia since 2017.
He is a member of the WMO Executive Board and was Chairman of the Expert Group on Tropical Cyclones. Dr. Al-Mandous is a member of the Standing Committee on Meteorology of the League of Arab States and a member of the Standing Committee on Meteorology and Climate of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Dr. Al-Mandus takes office as President immediately after the World Meteorological Congress. The United Arab Emirates is hosting COP 28 of the UN Climate Change Conference in December this year.

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