A brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of June 2023

IconPublished 16.06.2023

In the first decade of June, all grain-growing areas of the northern part of the republic completed the sowing of spring grain crops. Precipitation was uneven in the predominant territory of Kazakhstan, the largest amount of precipitation fell in the North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Aktobe regions, less than normal precipitation fell in the rest of the country. Meteorological conditions were satisfactory for the growth and development of spring grain crops, due to the uneven distribution of precipitation. The precipitation somewhat improved the formation of moisture reserves in the soil.
In the west of the country (in West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions), the "3rd leaf" phase is observed on spring wheat crops - "the appearance of the lower stem node", in the vicinity of the Fedorovka agropost - "earing", the condition of plants is everywhere good, the height of wheat reaches 10-27 cm.

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