Regional constructive dialogue on climate change in Central Asia

IconPublished 22.06.2023

On June 21, 2023, the ARGO Civil Society Development Association held a meeting of the Working Group within the framework of the project "Regional Constructive Dialogue on Climate Change in Central Asia" in Astana.
The meeting was attended by representatives of government agencies, experts on climate change and water resources management from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. From our country, the discussion was attended by employees of RSE "Kazhydromet" - Adel Akhmetov – Director of the Department of Hydrology and Tursyn Tillakarim – Head of the Climate Research Department.
The purpose of the dialogue is to discuss the role of small basin councils in strengthening transboundary water cooperation in the context of climate change. The results of the research were presented at the meeting and further steps were discussed to integrate the results into the activities of small basin councils. Following the meeting, the Working Group made interim recommendations and proposals to strengthen the role of small basin councils at the transboundary level.

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