Kazhydromet has opened access to an interactive weather forecast map

IconPublished 23.06.2023

On the website of RSE "Kazhydromet" https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/interactive_cards An interactive map of actual data on meteorological monitoring and numerical weather forecast for 24 hours has been created and integrated into open access. The forecast is based on the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) Weather Research and Forecasting model.
Meteorological monitoring (air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure and precipitation) is carried out continuously by the Weather Service at 347 meteorological stations, including 8 times a day at 227 traditional meteorological stations and 120 automatic, with hourly observations. The received information is processed in real time and displayed on an interactive map.
The map has a function to change the illumination of weather station icons in case of dangerous or natural hydrometeorological phenomena (storms), and also displays information about maintenance work.

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