Workshop "Migration, environment and climate change"

IconPublished 27.06.2023

On June 22-23, 2023, a workshop "Migration, environment and climate change" was held in Almaty. The meeting was organized within the framework of the IOM project "Asian Regional Migration Program", with the support of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration of the US Department of State (PRM USA).
Within the framework of the regional project "Solving the problem of human mobility in the conditions of a changing climate in the mountainous regions of Kazakhstan" and "Labor Migration Program in Central Asia", a coordinating council was created, a member of the council was Galiya Turumova, a representative of the Kazhydromet RSE, an engineer of the Climate Research Department of the Kazhydromet RSE Research Center.
Zeynal Hajiyev, the Head of the mission in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the Central Asia coordinators, delivered a welcoming speech to the participants.
Natural disasters and environmental degradation pose a growing threat to populations around the world. Gradual changes in the environment, including those related to climate change, are the cause of migration and resettlement of people in many regions of the world. At the seminar, the organizers shared their experience in the field of migration, environmental management and climate change. The organizers also presented a questionnaire, according to which they will conduct a survey of various localities to identify threats to potential migration sites in the future.

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