A brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of June 2023

IconPublished 05.07.2023

In the third decade of June, generally satisfactory conditions for the growth and development of spring grain crops in the northern half of the country, precipitation in the north, east, southeast and in some places in the west of the country slightly improved atmospheric and soil moisture.
Chemical treatment of weeds with herbicides, as well as against pests and diseases, has been started everywhere.
In the western regions, spring grain crops have a phase of development "exit into the tube" – "flowering", in some areas - "wax ripeness", in the northern regions "tillering" - "earing", in the center and in the east of the country "tillering" - "earing", in some areas – "flowering".  The condition of grain crops is mostly excellent and good, in some places satisfactory. In the south of the country, spring barley harvesting has begun, the development phase is "full ripeness", in late crops "the appearance of the lower stem node" - "earing".
In the third decade of June in the areas of winter wheat cultivation there were favorable conditions for the full ripening of grain, the phase of development "milk ripeness" - "full ripeness". In the Zhambyl district (Asa agropost), harvesting of winter wheat has begun in the observed areas.
The condition of thermophilic crops (rice, corn for grain, sugar beet, soybeans, cotton) is excellent and good, vegetation irrigation has been started everywhere, water has been let into rice checks.
In Aktobe, North Kazakhstan, Abai and Karaganda regions, potatoes have a phase of "appearance of lateral shoots" - "appearance of inflorescences", in some areas there is "flowering".
In the south and south-east of the republic, the phase of development "fruit formation" - "ripening of shoots" continues in apple orchards. The condition of fruit crops (cherry, pear, apple) is everywhere good.
In the southern regions, the cutting of alfalfa and clover grasses continues, fueling the watering of the esparcet.
The weather in the past decade has favored cattle grazing everywhere. Veterinary measures, grass harvesting and feed delivery to the wintering places of animals are continuing. The pastures were poorly and moderately grazed, the condition of the herbage is generally good and satisfactory. On the larger territory of pasture animal husbandry, the dry and wet condition of the sod was mainly noted.

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