WMO holds consultations on data rescue

IconPublished 06.07.2023

On July 4-5, 2023, specialists of Kazhydromet RSE took part in an online training by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on international practices for saving hydrological, marine and other environmental data.  Data rescue needs have been re-emphasized by WMO Members in connection with the recent collection of climatological standard norms, as well as with the WMO recognition mechanism for centennial observation stations.
Systematic monitoring of weather and climatic conditions in Kazakhstan has been carried out for more than a hundred years. To date, the WMO has recognized 21 of the 35 centennial meteorological stations of our country. For several years, the Weather Service of Kazakhstan has been working on digitization and systematization of its archival data and has created a digital meteorological and hydrological database. A more modern part of it is available on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet".
This seminar introduces representatives of the National Hydrometeorological Services of the WMO member countries to the data recovery process. The organizers hold consultations and identify resource needs, as well as encourage you to share your views on the challenges and opportunities in the field of data recovery.

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