Kazhydromet participates in trainings on working on an improved version of the MODSNOW module

IconPublished 10.07.2023

From July 10 to 14, trainings for representatives of the National Hydrometeorological Services of Central Asia on working on the improved MODSNOW module are held on the basis of Kazhydromet RSE. The training course is organized by the company "Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions" (IWES) Berlin, Germany within the framework of the USAID project "New Opportunities in Asia" (AEO).
Early versions of MODSNOW used the relationship between the area covered with snow in winter and river runoff the following spring and summer to provide a qualitative prediction of water availability. The instrument was installed in all five hydrometeorological services of the Central Asian countries and has since been successfully helping in the management of water resources. The new MODSNOW is supplemented with a glacier melting module.
The project makes it possible to test this approach in eight river catchments of Central Asia and create an operating system for monitoring snow and ice melting for selected river basins. The results will be available to all hydrometeorological services of the Central Asian countries, which should eventually contribute to improving flood forecasting, as well as forecasts of water availability for the growing season throughout the region.
The five-day seminar includes: studying the theoretical foundations of the processes of melting snow and glaciers in the region; familiarization with the MODSNOW modules "Melting snow" and "Melting glaciers"; training exercises for modeling the processes of melting snow and glaciers in the river basin of the Malaya Almatinka river.

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