Kazhydromet congratulates you on your anniversary!

IconPublished 09.09.2023

On September 9, Boris Sergeyevich Stepanov, the leading researcher of the Department for the Study of Mudflow Processes and Forecasting of Mudflows, RSE "Kazhydromet", will be 85 years old. Boris Sergeevich has been working at the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan since 1974.  
Boris Sergeevich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, graduated in 1961 from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in geophysicist engineer. From 1961 to 1974, Head of the SCB of the Kazgeofizpribor plant. Under his leadership, contactless methods and devices for measuring the characteristics of mudflows were developed, such as a Doppler microwave meter for the level and velocity of mudflow, a magnetometric method for measuring the density of mudflow, a seismic method for measuring water flow in mountain rivers and mudflows. The measurements carried out during the Chemolgan experiments with the help of these devices have been carried out under the supervision of B.S. Stepanov since 1972.
He received 19 copyright certificates for inventions of the USSR. Under his leadership, a Mudflow Hazard Map of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan was prepared and published, he wrote more than 160 scientific papers, including 5 monographs. Boris Sergeyevich was awarded the Medal of the State Committee for Inventions of the USSR for the introduction of inventions, the bronze medal of the VDNH of the USSR for achievements in scientific research, the medal for valiant labor for the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, the medal named after S.M. Fleishman for outstanding achievements in the field of selevedenie, honorary diploma of the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology in connection with the 60th anniversary of the KAZSSR Hydrometeorological Service, commemorative medal for the 100th anniversary of Kazhydromet and the 40th anniversary of Kazselezashchita, badge "EMERCOM" 2nd degree and Honorary Diploma of the Akimat of Almaty for selfless work and active participation in the elimination and prevention of emergencies.

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