Round table on air pollution in Kazakhstan

IconPublished 19.09.2023

On September 19, 2023, a round table on the topic "What is air pollution in Kazakhstan and its contribution to climate change?" was held in the walls of Kazhydromet RSE. The organizer was the Karaganda Regional Ecological Museum and Arnica, a Czech non-profit organization.
The event began with a welcoming speech by Danara Alimbayeva, General Director of RSE "Kazhydromet". In her welcoming speech, the head of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan noted that Kazhydromet monitors the quality of atmospheric air at 170 stationary and 58 route observation points for major pollutants. Actively cooperates with non-governmental organizations in the field of public monitoring of air quality. Currently, the data of 144 measuring sensors of Kazakhstan's private networks are integrated into the Kazhydromet information network. (Ecoservice, Pavel Plotitsyn and SRO "Association of Practicing Ecologists", Clarity, NCOC). The results of air monitoring are open and available in the mobile application .
At the meeting, reports were made by Snezhana Popova, Project Manager of the EU Delegation in Kazakhstan, Martin Skalski, representative of Arnica - Czech Republic, Matusha Hrnchiyar, World from Space. And also Dmitry Kalmykov, an employee of the Karaganda Ecomuseum, who made a report: The system of accounting and monitoring of greenhouse gases. After the official speeches, the participants of the round table reviewed various methodologies and approaches to collecting data for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions in Kazakhstan, as well as reporting to the international community.

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