Kazhydromet has agreed to cooperate with the Yandex Weather service

IconPublished 20.09.2023

On September 20, 2023, a working meeting with representatives of the international IT company Yandex was held within the walls of the RSE "Kazhydromet".

Danara Alimbayeva, General Director of Kazhydromet RSE, expressed the readiness of the Kazakhstan Weather Service to cooperate with the IT company, integrate data from the ground surveillance network into the Yandex application, and also noted the desire of Kazhydromet to maximize the availability of its predictive products to the population.

At the meeting, Sofia Nazmetdinova, Director of Relations with government Agencies in the CIS, spoke about Yandex products and services, presented the possibilities of the search portal. The parties also discussed issues related to the direct activities of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan – weather forecasting, information on air pollution and the availability of data to the population.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to create an agreement on the joint development of products to inform the public.

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