The company "COROBOR" on the basis of RSE "Kazhydromet" introduces an integrated data collection and processing platform

IconPublished 21.09.2023

For the first time in Central Asia, the COROBOR platform is being implemented on the basis of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan. The integrated platform provides remote access to Weather Services of Central Asian countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). This Platform is being implemented under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, within the framework of the World Bank project "Modernization of hydrometeorological services of Central Asian countries".
After setting up and training employees, COROBOR will automatically collect, process and analyze all data (information about the actual weather from the ground network, satellite images, radar data and much more). This data will then be stored in an easily accessible database to create useful meteorological products, reports and forecasts.

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