When will snow cover be established in Kazakhstan?

IconPublished 29.11.2023

According to the forecast, the establishment of snow cover in most of Kazakhstan is predicted at the end of the first decade of December; in the south-west, south and south-east of the republic is expected in the second half of the month.
In early December, precipitation (rain, snow) is expected in most of Kazakhstan, fogs, icy phenomena are predicted, in the northern regions with gusty winds and low-level blizzards.
By the end of the first decade of December, frosty weather is expected in most of the country, with the exception of the southern regions. Snow is forecast, wind strengthening with a blizzard, thermometer columns will drop to -10-20 °C at night, to -3-10 °C during the day.

Why is autumn warm?

Not typically warm autumn and late winter in Kazakhstan are associated with frequent exits of western and southern cyclones, as well as the removal of warm air masses from the regions of Iran and the Mediterranean Sea. In this connection, the temperature background on the territory of Kazakhstan was higher than the climatic norm by 3-10 °. In the entire history of meteorological observations, November of this year has become one of the extremely warm, the peak of heat was observed in the period of November 17-18. The last warm November was 2010, when the temperature deviated from the norm by 2-7 °.   

When has this been observed in history?

According to long-term observations in Astana, the latest date of the establishment of snow cover was recorded on December 15, 1967 (56 years ago) and December 14, 2008 (15 years ago).
According to historical data, the early establishment of snow cover in the capital is October 10, the average date is November 10, and the late date is December 15. Over the past three years – 2020,2021,2022 years, stable snow cover was recorded at the end of the first, beginning of the second decade of November, the average height was 8-13 cm.

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