Kazhydromet took part in the meeting of the WMO Coordination Group on Hydrology and Water Resources

IconPublished 04.12.2023

In the period from November 27 to December 1, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, the second face-to-face meeting of the Coordination Group on Hydrology and Water Resources (CP-Hydrology) of the Regional Association II (RA II - Asia), the First pilot Forum on the Hydrological Prospects of Southeast Asia, the 5th Global Seminar on the Dynamic Assessment Tool was held Water Resource Assessments (DWAT).
The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen cooperation between Asian countries in the field of hydrology and water resources, as well as to improve the hydrological State and forecasting System. The significance of these meetings was that it promotes the exchange of advanced knowledge and experience between the participants, which, in turn, improves the quality of hydrological research and water management in the regions.
The meeting was attended by the Head of the Department of Climate Research Tursyn Tillakarim from the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan (NGMS RK) as a permanent member of the WMO CPHydrology RA II. From Kazakhstan, the results of the activities of the permanent member, leader of the Central Asia subregion, hydrological adviser to the NGMS RK S. were presented. Sairova.
At the 5th Global Workshop on the Dynamic Water Resources Assessment (DWAT) Tool, the results of the adaptation of the DWAT model for the Oba River were presented. As a result of the discussion, it was decided to work together with the developers of the KICT model to improve the model with the snow cover block.
In general, following the meeting of the Coordination Group on Hydrology and Water Resources, the roles in the development of hydrological cooperation in the Asian region were discussed and recommendations were made for the upcoming session 2024-2027.

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