Contrasting January 2024 in Kazakhstan

IconPublished 06.02.2024

The second month of winter, as predicted, was warm and rainy.
During the month, a rapid change in synoptic processes often prevailed, which led to large contrasts in the temperature background. Warm snowy days were often followed by clear and frosty ones. The first decade of the month turned out to be extremely warm. The average air temperature anomaly was 1-13° above normal. Against the background of high anomalies, temperature records were recorded:
On January 1, in the Mangystau region at the weather station (MS) Akkuduk, the air temperature rose to +11.1 °C in the afternoon, which became a record for this day, the previous record of this day was in 2003 - +8.9 °C, on January 8 at the Aktau MS in the afternoon the air temperature was +11.1°C, surpassing the record of 1988 G. (+4.7°C). On January 10, +6.3 °C was recorded at MS Semey, the record of 1988 was blocked (+1.3°C), at MS Pavlodar the maximum air temperature increased to +3.1°C, blocking the record of 2018 (+0.3°C), at MS Balkhash in the afternoon the air warmed up to +7.1°C, blocking The previous record was in 1988 (+1.2°C).
In the southern regions, spring weather was observed at all. So, on January 10, the air warmed up to +18.6 °C in the afternoon at MS Taraz, surpassing the record of 2018 (+9.1 °C), at MS Shardara the highest air temperature was +15.4°C, surpassing the record of 2004 (+10.8 °C). On January 14, the maximum air temperature in Almaty was +11.3°C, the last time the absolute maximum for this day was in 2001 - +10.9 °C).  
But it was not without frosty days. In the second decade of the month, with the arrival of cold air masses from the regions of Western Siberia and the Arctic Seas, the air temperature in the northern half of the country dropped to -25-40 °C at night.
During the month, snowfalls were often observed in the northern half of the country, sometimes heavy, and rains fell in the southern half. Precipitation exceeded the monthly norm in the east of the republic:
On January 9, 22 mm of snow fell on MS Ayagoz, with a monthly norm of 18 mm, on MS Terekty – 37 mm of snow (the monthly norm is 30 mm), on January 11 on MS Urjar – 30 mm (the monthly norm is 46 mm), on MS Markakol – 30 mm (the monthly norm is 31 mm).
In Astana, the temperature background was 2.6 °C above the climatic norm. The highest air temperature was observed on January 10 at +1.2°C. The lowest was on January 16 at -28.4°C. Precipitation for the month was 45 mm, while the norm for the month was 18 mm, this amounted to 251%, that is, 2.5 times more than the norm.

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