Kazhydromet has opened access to long-term data on land surface waters

IconPublished 13.02.2024

In 2022, a tab appeared on the website of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan – "State Water Cadastre. Surface waters". The section provided Annual data on the regime and resources of land surface waters from 1936 to 2021 for all rivers, lakes and the sea of Kazakhstan.  Since January 2024, access has also been opened to part of the section Long-term data on the regime and resources of land surface waters.
Long-term data contain information on the average monthly water level of lakes and reservoirs, characteristic water levels, water temperature near the shore and the surface layer in the water area of the reservoir, ice phenomena, ice thickness. Long–term data are designed for specialists in hydrology, geographers, employees of institutions and organizations related to the use of surface waters. In the future, both sections will be finalized and supplemented.
The State Water Cadastre. Surface water is available at the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/gidrologiya/gosudarstvennyy-vodnyy-kadastr-poverhnostnye-vody

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