In memory of Dzhusupbekov Daulet Kalibekovich

IconPublished 11.03.2024

On March 11, 2024, Dzhusupbekov Daulet Kalibekovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Geographical Faculty of Al–Farabi Kazakh National University, passed away.
Daulet Kalibekovich has made a great contribution to the education of modern specialists in the field of hydrology. He has raised more than one generation of professionals in his field. He has published more than 30 scientific articles, many textbooks and research projects. Daulet Kalibekovich supervised graduation and term papers, educational practices, dissertations of undergraduates and doctoral students. He constantly worked on improving the teaching methods and the content of the educational and methodological complex of the disciplines being read. His PhD thesis, on the topic "Probabilistic prediction of fluctuations in the level and mineralization of Lake Balkhash" is one of the practical guides in teaching hydrological disciplines.

The staff of RSE Kazhydromet expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends, and mourns the irreparable loss.

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