February 2024 started with records

IconPublished 12.03.2024

In the first decade of February, a significant increase was observed in the entire territory of Kazakhstan, records were set in the temperature regime, as well as in the number of atmospheric emissions.
On February 8-10, The Atlantic cyclone, with a large supply of heat and water, caused an increase in the temperature background and an increase in intensive measures to practice in a large part of the territory of Kazakhstan. On February 8, on the weather station (Ms) Aktau (Mangistau region), the maximum temperature of the air was +11.8°C, the record was set in 2004 (+11.1°C), on MS Atyrau (Atyrau region) the absolute maximum was +10.0°c, the image was set in 2020 (+9.4°C), Ms Uralsk (West Kazakhstan region) thermometer reached +2.8°C, the record was set in 1958 (+2.4°c), Ms Kyzylorda'S highest temperature was +14.5°c, the record was set in 2020 (+12.5°c), Ms Pavlodar (Pavlodar region) absolute maximum of +4,1°с, the record was set in 2015 (+3.4°с), Ms Turkestan (Turkestan region) was set at +16.8°с, this image was passed in 2006 (+15.4°с), and it was achieved on the same day to +20°с. On February 10, MS Aktau reached an absolute maximum of +11.4°C, as a record was set in 1990 (+11.1°C), MS Almaty reached an absolute maximum of +15.4°C, MS Zhezkazgan (Ulytau region) reached a record of 2015 (+14.4°C), Ms Zhezkazgan (Ulytau region) thermometer +2.8°C, the record for 1996 (+2.6°C), the maximum temperature of the air in Karaganda (Karaganda region) was +4.5°C, The Record for 1946 (+2.9°C), the record for Ms Kyzylorda (Kyzylorda region)was +15.0°C, the absolute maximum was reached in 1996 (+12.6°C), Ms Pavlodar (Pavlodar region) was certified maximum temperature +4.8°C, which was the highest record in 1999 (+2.4°c), Ms Semipalatinsk (Abai region) had an absolute maximum of +5.6°C, which was set in 2020 (+3.7°c).
In February, osadkov issued a large part of the Republic, and the norms of 1.3-6.6 Raz. Naprimer, February 6 in Atyrau region osadkov issued more mass norms: Ms Atyrau - 14 mm (norm 12 mm), Ms Karabau - 15 mm, at the rate of 12 mm, Ms Pesnoy issued 12 mm (norm 10 mm), February 7 on MS Karatobe (Zapadno-Kazakhstan Region) - 18 mm (norm 15 mm), 9 February on Ms krasnoarmeika (Pavlodar region) - 14 mm, at the rate of 10 mm, 11 February on Ms leninogorsk (East Kazakhstan Region)-24 mm (norm 22 mm), Ms ulken Naryn - 18 mm (norm 15 mm), Ms Zhalgyztobe (region Abay) - 23 mm (norm for months 13 mm), Ms karaul (Abay region) - 23 mm (norm 7 mm), February 15 on Ms Terekty (East Kazakhstan region)-28 mm (norm 23 mm), Ms Kaynar (Abay Region) - 8 mm (norm 6 mm), Ms Shalabay - 22 mm (norm 17 mm), Ms Karaul - 20 mm (norm 13 mm), Ms Samarka - 26 mm (norm 23 mm), on February 16, Ms karashok (Almaty region) increased by 17 mm (norm 14 mm), Ms bucket (Almaty region) - by 19 mm (norm 17 mm).
On February 9, Astana, the stolbik thermometer reached +4°C, the record was set in 2004 (+1.1°C), the same low temperature of the air was sealed on February 16 -33.2°C. the middle of the month the temperature of the air was -13.5°C, which was the norm (norm: -13.6°C). The amount of atmospheric emissions for the month amounted to 27.5 mm, which exceeded the norm for 1.6 years, and the norm for the month of 17 mm.

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