The forecast of science broadcasting for cities was launched by Kazhydromet

IconPublished 08.04.2024

Naukasting is a detailed weather forecast for the near future (up to 2-6 hours) based on the numerical solution of a system of equations of hydrothermodynamics taking into account processes in the atmosphere. This method includes the use of ground-based meteorological observations, satellite and radar data.
At the moment, naukasting is available in 22 cities of Kazakhstan, in the future, Kazhydromet RSE will broadcast the forecast of all cities of the republic.
This forecast is convenient for residents, as it is 100% information on weather changes in the coming hours, indicating changes in wind strength and direction, the presence or absence of precipitation and their intensity, as well as changes in air temperature.
The forecast of the science broadcasting in Kazakhstan is available on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet" at the link

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