Certificate of release of fire danger forecasts

IconPublished 15.04.2024

The fire season occurs from the moment the snow cover subsides until the onset of stable rainy weather or the formation of snow cover.
RSE «Kazhydromet» from April 15 to October 15 issues a forecast of fire danger for the regions of Kazakhstan.
The fire danger indicator depends on a long, stable period of dry and hot weather. |To characterize the degree of fire danger, there are 5 classes of fire danger degrees:
Class 1 - no fire hazard;
Class 2 - minor fire hazard;
Class 3 - medium fire hazard;
Class 4 - high fire hazard;
Class 5 - extreme fire danger.
When the fire danger indicator of class 4 (high fire danger) and class 5 (emergency fire danger) is reached, Kazhydromet issues storm warnings about fire danger and is promptly communicated in accordance with the approved Storm Information Reporting Scheme (approved by the General Director of the RSE «Kazhydromet») to all government bodies, to the Crisis Management Center (CMC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional emergency situations, akimats of cities, regions and other interested bodies.
All storm warnings in the form of SMS messages are sent by the 112 warning system, displayed in the «Darmen Emergency Situations application - Kazakhstan Emergency Situations», posted on the official website of the RSE "Kazhydromet" https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/, in the media.
From April 15, the Daily Hydrometeorological Bulletin will contain a fire danger forecast indicating fire danger classes for each region of Kazakhstan.
With a forecast of high air temperatures and weather without precipitation, with an increase in the fire danger indicator, storm warnings will be issued with maximum advance (1-7 days).

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