Kazhydromet met with Finnish experts of the Water Forum

IconPublished 18.04.2024

Arvo Nerman, Project Director of the Finnish Water Forum, visited the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan. The meeting was attended by the management of RSE Kazhydromet, specialists from the departments of hydrology and environmental monitoring.
Arvo Nerman shared a project to install an online solar-powered water monitoring station at water intakes in the Kyrgyz Republic. The expert presents sensors for measuring the parameters of surface water and groundwater in water intake wells, which provide a basis for planning water use, risk management during water intake and forecasting peak indicators.
The parties discussed the possibility of automatic measurement of water parameters for rapid response and control over the release of waste and wastewater and assessment of the effectiveness of pollution reduction measures.
The presented automatic stations for measuring water quality parameters measure a limited set of parameters and does not lead to full automation of the monitoring process of Kazhydromet RSE for the state of surface water quality and will entail an increase in the cost of maintenance and maintenance of stations with a limited set of parameters.
Following the meeting, the expert of the Finnish Water Forum was recommended to present online monitoring stations for authorized bodies in the field of control and regulation, as well as water supply.

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