Fire hazard forecast

IconPublished 19.04.2024

Please note that Kazhydromet does not forecast fires, but issues a forecast of conditions under which natural fires occur - a long period without precipitation and high temperature background.

Fire danger season comes from the moment of snow cover melt and until the onset of stable rainy weather or snow cover formation, i.e. from April 15 to October 15 the fire danger forecast is issued.

There are 5 classes to characterize the degree of fire danger. (1-None, 2-Low FD, 3-Medium FD, 4-High FD, 5-Emergency FD).

With the forecast of high air temperatures and weather without precipitation, when the fire danger index of 4 class (high fire danger) and 5 class (extreme fire danger) Kazgidromet issue storm warnings of fire danger with maximum advance (1-7 days), which are promptly reported to all government agencies, the Crisis Management Center (CMC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and city akimats and emergency departments and all interested bodies.

Fire danger forecast with indication of classes for each region of Kazakhstan is published in the Daily Hydrometeorological Bulletin, on the website of Kazgidromet in the sections of the map of warnings, storm warnings, in the section "Fire danger forecast", a map of fire danger classes in the country, the text of the forecast is displayed.

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