Forecast of agrometeorological conditions of spring grain harvesting

IconPublished 21.08.2024

Spring barley harvesting has begun in the west, center and east of the country, while harvesting continues in the south.
According to the final calculations, satisfactory harvesting conditions are predicted in the third decade of August in the main grain-bearing areas, the drying rate of grain in the stem will average 12-16% per day for 5-8 days.
Predicted precipitation with increased winds of up to 15-20 m/s or more can cause crops to settle in the fields.  
In the first and second decade of September, satisfactory conditions are expected in the grain-bearing half of the republic for drying grain in the stem for an average of 6-8 days per decade, in the north-west of the country conditions will be more favorable for harvesting.
In the first half of September, rains and frosts on the soil surface are expected in the north and in the center of the country, a decrease in air temperature at night is expected in places to 0 ° C.
Against the general background of the autumn cold snap, precipitation is expected in most of the country in the late first to early second decade of September.
The forecast of agrometeorological conditions of grain harvesting is published on the official website of RSE "Kazhydromet", as well as in the appendix .

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