A brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of September 2024

IconPublished 26.09.2024

In the northern half of the republic, spring grain crops mainly have a "full ripeness" phase of development, and "waxy ripeness" in some fields of late crops.
Harvesting of spring grain crops continues in the grain-growing regions of the republic.
In the south of the country (Turkestan region), on crops of thermophilic crops (soybeans, cotton), the phase of "maturation of the 1st box raw" continues in cotton, the phase of "the second stage of maturation" is noted in soybeans. The condition of the plants is mostly good and excellent.
In the Zhetysu region, harvesting began on sugar beet crops in the middle of the decade. Corn crops in Almaty, Zhambyl, Zhetysu and Turkestan regions are experiencing a "full ripeness" development phase. The condition of the plants is mostly good, in some places excellent. In the vicinity of the Talgar weather station in the Almaty region, harvesting was blunted.     Harvesting has begun on rice crops in Almaty and Kyzylorda regions.
The "harvest ripeness" phase is observed on sunflower crops in the Abai, East Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and Kostanay regions. The condition of the plants is mostly good and in places excellent. Harvesting has begun in the vicinity of the Berezovka and Ulken Naryn weather stations in the East Kazakhstan region.
In the observed areas of the North Kazakhstan region, the development phase of "full yellow ripeness" is noted on oilseed flax crops. The condition of the plants is generally good and satisfactory.
In Almaty, Zhetysu, Karaganda and North Kazakhstan regions, mass harvesting is observed in the observed potato plots.  
In most of the territory of cattle breeding pastures are poorly grazed, pastures in the Moyinkum and Shusky districts of Zhambyl region, in the Shet district of Karaganda region and some pastures in Mangystau region are not grazed, pastures in Zhambyl district of Almaty region, Syrym, Kaztalov, Akzhaiksky districts of West Kazakhstan region are strongly grazed, moderate grazing is observed in other pastures.
Currently, the pastures are in a dry state of sod.
In the meter-long soil layer, optimal and satisfactory conditions for moisture accumulation in the soil have developed in almost all regions, with the exception of the Mangystau region and in some areas of Kostanay, Aktobe, West Kazakhstan, Zhambyl and Zhetysu regions, where there was a lack of moisture in all soil layers.

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