A brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of October 2024

IconPublished 24.10.2024

In the northern half of the republic, harvesting operations are at the completion stage, and agrometeorological conditions were satisfactory.
In the south-east of the republic (Alamatinsk, Zhambyl regions), winter wheat sowing continues. The quality of field work is good. The phase of "grain germination" - "shiltse" is marked in the Almaty region. The condition of the plants is excellent. In Zhambyl region, in the vicinity of the Kordai agropost, where sowing was carried out in the third decade of September, the "3rd leaf" phase is celebrated, in the vicinity of the Sarykemir weather station "grain germination" - "shilce". The condition of the plants is good. In the Zhetysu region, in the vicinity of the Taldykorgan weather station, a phase of "grain germination" is observed.
In the south of the country (Turkestan region), the phase of "maturation of the 1st box raw material" continues on crops of thermophilic crops (cotton), cotton harvesting has begun in the vicinity of the Bogen weather station.
The "harvest ripeness" development phase is observed everywhere on sunflower crops in East Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Pavlodar regions. The condition of the plants is good and excellent in places. Harvesting has begun in the vicinity of the agricultural post Sekisovka in the East Kazakhstan region.
In the observed areas of the North Kazakhstan region, in the vicinity of the Tayynsha weather station in the North Kazakhstan region, flax harvesting began on the site.
In most of the territory of distilling livestock pastures are poorly grazed, pastures in Moyinkum and Shusky districts of Zhambyl region, in Shetsky district of Karaganda region and Mangistau district of Mangystau region are not grazed, pastures in Zhambyl district of Almaty region, Syrymsky, Kaztalov, Akzhaiksky districts of West Kazakhstan region are strongly grazed, moderate grazing is observed in other pastures.
In most pastures, wet sod is observed, in some pastures in the northwest, southeast and south, the sod is dry.
  In the second of October, according to the results of observations in the northern regions, in the center and eastern regions, optimal and satisfactory conditions for the accumulation of moisture reserves developed in most of the observed areas. Due to the fact that at the beginning and middle of the decade, heavy precipitation fell in the southeastern regions, which moistened the soil well, moisture reserves there are mostly optimal. In the northwest and in some areas in the west and south, the supply of productive moisture in the soil was insufficient.

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