Since January 2025, Kazhydromet RSE has been applying the updated Unified Classification System for Water Quality in Water Bodies (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Classification) to assess waters in rivers, canals and reservoirs (Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 70 dated 03/20/2024) in accordance with the approved Methodological Recommendations for the application of the Unified Classification System for Water Quality (approved by the Order of the MENR RC No. 275-p dated 11/14/2024).
The unified classification is based on an integrated assessment of the ecological potential of a water body, containing indicators of oxygen regime, organoleptic parameters, mineralization values, biogenic substances, metals, organic and toxic substances, pesticides, hydrobiological, toxicological and microbiological indicators.
The unified classification includes six water quality classes (I – VI), from "best" to "worst". This allows you to take into account the requirements of different types of water use.: ecosystem, fisheries, drinking, recreational, irrigation, industry, hydropower, and transportation.