What was August 2020 like in Kazakhstan

IconPublished 08.09.2020

In August 2020, the air temperature in most regions of Kazakhstan was within the climate norm. In the Northern part of Kazakhstan, as well as in some areas of the center, East and South-East of the country, the temperature in August was higher than normal by 1-3°C. And in places in the West and South-West of the country (Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Mangystau. areas) below the norm by 1-2°C.

The amount of precipitation in most of the country varied around multi-year values. 1-4 times more than normal precipitation fell in the North-West, West and South of Kazakhstan. For example, during the night of August 6, 66 mm fell at the Aktau weather station in Mangystau region, which exceeded the monthly norm by 11 times (the norm for the month is 6 mm). This figure was a record for the entire history of observations.

In the Kyzylorda region, 17 mm fell at the Shieli weather station on August 1, with a monthly norm of 2 mm, that is, 8 monthly norms fell, which for this station was a record for the entire series of weather observations.

On August 26, 15 mm fell at the Kazygurt weather station in Turkestan region, with a monthly norm of 4 mm, which is almost 4 monthly norms. there are not many similar cases, almost 20 years ago in 2001, 14 mm was recorded at this weather station.

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