Weather station in the Turkestan region was renamed in honor of Kozhahmetova Aiishana of Gamedevice

IconPublished 17.09.2020

In September 2020 decision of the leadership of RSE "Kazhydromet" weather station in the Turkestan region was renamed in honor of a Professor, laureate of the State prize of Coaxmedia Aiishana of Gamedevice.
Paishan Golendeyeva was born may 17, 1956 in South Kazakhstan region. In 1978, he graduated From the Kazakh state University named after S. M. Kirov, faculty of geography, specialty "Meteorology". In 1987, he completed postgraduate studies At the main geophysical Observatory named after A. I. Voeikov in Leningrad and defended his PhD thesis on " wind Energy resources of foothill and mountain regions of Kazakhstan "in the specialty" Meteorology, climatology and agrometeorology". In 1996, for scientific and pedagogical achievements, he was awarded the academic title of associate Professor in the specialty "Geography". The list of his scientific works includes more than 60 titles and many reports at national and international conferences. He is the author of most of the climate maps in the National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 1993 Payyzkhan Zholmendievich participated in the assessment of climate change in Kazakhstan, made a huge contribution to the development of the hydrometeorological network and meteorological science and education in Kazakhstan.

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