Heading "Our specialists"

IconPublished 18.09.2020

RSE "Kazhydromet" opens a new category "Our specialists", where we will tell about the employees of the Hydrometeorological service of Kazakhstan. Today, the heroine of our column Is Gulmira Zarkenova. Gulmira Najipovna was born in 1965 in the city of Karaganda.In 1988, she graduated from the faculty of chemistry of Karaganda state University with a degree in Chemistry. In 2007, she started her career at RSE "Kazhydromet" as a chemical engineer of the surface water group. In 2009, she was awarded the 2nd category, and in 2011 the first category of chemical engineer. During the period of work in the regional branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" proved to be a responsible and reliable employee.Since 2017, Gulmira Najipovna has been working as a leading chemical engineer at the integrated laboratory for monitoring the state of environmental pollution of the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in the Karaganda region. He enjoys respect in the team, performs tasks responsibly and efficiently, shares experience with young employees and improves his professional skills.

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