RSE "Kazhydromet" increases the number of observation points

IconPublished 25.09.2020

The hydrometeorological service of Kazakhstan, after a comprehensive analysis, and taking into account the recommendations of the WMO (world meteorological organization), decided to divide the network of traditional weather stations into reference (which form the basis of the observation network) and automated.
This division is made for optimal construction, operation and technical equipment of the observation network. Thus, out of 256 traditional weather stations: 228 were included in the category of reference, 28 in the category of automated. In addition, 10 more automated stations will be opened in 2021 at the expense of the company's internal reserves.
New stations will be opened where previously no observations were made. Therefore, the increase in the coverage network will cover more areas that were not previously included in the meteorological monitoring of RSE "Kazhydromet". This will increase the network density, improve the accuracy of forecasts and speed of their compilation.

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