Results of unscheduled sampling of the Akbulak river

IconPublished 14.10.2020

In connection with the information in social networks about the pollution of the Akbulak River in Nur-Sultan, on October 13, 2020, employees of the Testing Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Monitoring of the Department of Environmental Monitoring of the RSE "Kazhydromet" in Nur-Sultan conducted an unscheduled water sampling at the following points :
1 point: 0.5 km above the construction site, near the railway bridge;
Point 2: a place filmed by residents of the city (opposite the construction site);
Point 3: 0.5 km below the construction site, under a road bridge, intersection of A. Pushkin Street and Sh. Kudaiberdyuly Avenue;
The analysis of the quality of surface water is carried out according to 42 physical and chemical indicators, including the main ions, biogenic, organic and inorganic substances, heavy metals. Exceeding the maximum permissible norm was recorded for the chemical consumption of oxygen, ammonium ion, salinity, calcium and chlorides. This indicates the pollution of the reservoir with organic substances and impurities unusual for water.
The information was sent to the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Currently, the analysis of biochemical oxygen consumption for 5 days is ongoing, the results will be provided additionally.

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