International seminar on hydrological forecasting

IconPublished 30.11.2020

The regional environmental center for Central Asia (CAREC) is holding two training seminars on "hydrometeorological data Management and hydrological modeling" and "Modeling of water resources in a river basin with reservoirs"from November 23 to December 17, 2020.
The model was developed at the Deltares research Institute (Netherlands) and is one of the leading international tools for reservoir hydrological forecasting and for assessing the potential of hydroelectric power plants.
Training seminars are organized within the framework of the project " program for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Aral sea basin "(CAMP4ASB).
In connection with the epidemiological situation of the training seminars will be conducted online. The seminar is attended by specialists of RSE Kazhydromet, who will be engaged in the management of hydrometeorological data and hydrological modeling, indicating their email address.
The seminar is attended by representatives of all interested structures of Central Asian countries.

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