Background information on the causes of smog on December 6-7, 2020 in Nur-Sultan

IconPublished 07.12.2020

Environmental monitoring stations of RSE "Kazgidromet" recorded the following exceedances of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), in Nur-Sultan on December 6-7, 2020, MPC exceedances were recorded from 19 hours on December 6:
1) for suspended PM-2.5 particles: 246 cases of exceeding up to 5.2 MPC;
2) PM-10 Suspended particles: 161 cases of exceeding up to 2.2 MPC;
3) carbon Monoxide: 55 cases of exceeding up to 1, 8 MPC;
4) hydrogen Sulfide: 55 cases of exceeding up to 2.5 MPC;
5) sulfur Dioxide: 3 cases of exceeding up to 1.1 MPC;
6) nitrogen Oxide: 1 case of exceeding at the level of 1.2 MPC.
Atmospheric air pollution was observed at all observation posts, the maximum pollution was recorded in the areas of Koktal-1, Turan Ave. and Turkestan St.
According to SYNOPTIC conditions on December 07, 2020, the weather of the capital is affected by an anticyclone. The weather is mostly without precipitation, there was moderate frost up to 24-28 ° C, there is fog. Such weather conditions are typical for the area of high pressure – low-cloud, windless weather and air cooling. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, mixing of air masses is also absent, which leads to the formation of fogs.
December 06, 2020 Kazhydromet issued a storm warning for Nur-Sultan at 13: 55 (local time) that fog is expected at times on December 07, 2020.
Such meteorological conditions (frost – 25 degrees and windless weather), contributed to the accumulation of pollutants from the heating of the private sector of the city, resulting in a thick acrid smog.

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