What was November 2020 like in Kazakhstan

IconPublished 10.12.2020

November the year 2020 in many regions of the Republic can be considered the beginning of winter. However, in the first decade of the month, the weather in most of the Republic was abnormally warm (above the climate norm by 1-6°C). In the West of the country, the daytime temperature reached +15+22°C, in the North, in the center and in the East +10+16°C, in the South +18+25°C. This anomalous warmth has been associated with a strong outflow of warm air masses from areas of the Persian Gulf.
During the period of November 09-13, with the passage of atmospheric fronts,snow passed in the North, rain fell in the South of the country, in some places strong, the wind increased 15-26 m / s, in the Northern regions it was accompanied by a Blizzard. For example, on November 11-12 in Nur-Sultan there was snowfall, 16 mm fell in 2 days (with a norm of 28 mm for the month), and in Shymkent on November 09 it rained 19 mm, on November 12 precipitation (mainly snow) - 24 mm (with a norm of 69 mm).
"Real winter" came in mid-November, with a powerful invasion of Arctic cold air masses and the strengthening of the Siberian anticyclone, a significant cold snap was observed throughout Kazakhstan. During the period of November 17-22, the thermometer columns dropped to critical values: in the West to-12-16°C, in the North, in the center and in the East to-20-24°C, in the South to-12-21°C. The anomaly in the southern regions had record values (below the norm by 10-19°C). At the end of the month, the center of the anticyclone shifted outside the country, so most of the Republic experienced a weakening of frosts.
With the passage of the frontal sections, again, in the Northern regions, there was snowfall with a Blizzard (Nur-Sultan on November 29, 10 mm fell), and in most of the country the wind increased 15-20 m / s, with gusts of 28 m/s.At the very end of November, frosty weather returned to the territory of Kazakhstan,with the exception of the Western regions of the Republic. In the Northern half of the country, the air temperature dropped to-15-23°C at night, in the South-to-8-16°C.
On November 18, 2020, the lowest air temperature was recorded in Nur-Sultan-20.9°C (at the absolute minimum on November 18, 2016 -28.1°C).The highest temperature was recorded on November 06 +10.1°C(with the absolute maximum of this day in 2006 +14.8°C).

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