Brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of January 2021

IconPublished 14.01.2021

In early January, the air temperature anomaly in the areas of cultivation of winter crops in the West ranged from minus 1°to plus 5°C in the South and South-East of Kazakhstan the background temperature was below normal by 5-10°C, sometimes below 12°C (in mountainous and Piedmont zones). The amount of precipitation in the west of the republic was within the normal range and above, in the south and south-east of the country, precipitation was mostly below the norm in the range of 1-2 mm, in some places in the mountainous zone it was 8-11 mm.
In the Almaty region, winter wheat fields are mostly covered with an even layer of snow, but up to 30 % of the field surface is exposed due to blowing snow by the wind, which can lead to damage to winter wheat when the temperature drops.
Thaws lasting up to 1 day were observed in some areas of the Zhambyl region.
In the eastern part of the West Kazakhstan region, a stable snow cover of up to 12-29 cm was observed, however, in some areas it is possible to blow out the snow cover due to the strong wind of 15 m/s or more observed during the decade. In winter wheat fields, blowing snow can cause plants to freeze.
As of January 10, a very poor state of grass continues to be observed in some areas of West Kazakhstan, Almaty and Aktobe regions. In most of the observation points of grazing livestock, pastures were moderately and slightly grazed.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of January 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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